Everything you read in this post goes against my will. Well, not entirely, but the 'enemy' part at least. I read somewhere among the Church Fathers that a Christian has no enemies: a silly statement at first glance but profound and challenging when deeply considered. Jesus tells us to love our enemies so obviously we do have enemies.
But what I think the Ancients are getting at is that from my heart to all other hearts, I am never to hate another or be an enemy in attitude towards another. This is the love of Christ. We are told that we were once enemies of Christ, yet He has loved us. Christ was never our enemy. The command of Christ and the Church is that we pray for our enemies: well, if you cannot identify an enemy then at least pray for those who you are having a difficult time with, until you know that YOUR heart has changed enough that you love them despite their dislike of you. So we are to be an enemy to no one, even if they are an enemy towards us.
From the Great Litany
"To forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers,
and to turn their hearts,
We beseech thee, good Lord."
LORD have mercy, Brian+
Very well said, Brian, we have to pray for the love, good will and will power and mercy of our Heavenly Father to apply the willingness of heart to forgive our enemies/those who do not like us, or bear malice toward us, and to keep on loving them as Christ loves us. For in the end He is the Judge, and there is no other.