Sit amid lepers rather than amid the proud.
Be persecuted, but persecute not.
Be crucified, but crucify not.
Be wronged, but wrong not.
Be slandered, but slander not.
Have clemency, not zeal, with respect to evil.
Lay hold of goodness, not justice.
Justice does not belong to the Christian way of life, and there is no
mention of it in Christ’s teaching. Rejoice with them that rejoice, and
weep with them that weep; for this is the sign of limpid purity. Suffer
with the sick, and mourn with sinners; with those who repent, rejoice.
~From Homily 51 of St. Isaac the Syrian
This a puzzling quote. "Lay hold of goodness, not justice. Justice does
not belong to the Christian way of life, and there is no
mention of it in Christ’s teaching." I am familiar with "mercy triumphs
over judgment."How does this square up with all the justice talk that
has saturated the Church. Perhaps we are entirely misguided in using justice talk. I know this, that if I have to face the justice of the Judge, I am lost. I can only plead "Mercy." What if we were to have "Goodness Camps" instead of Justice Camps. What would that look like? Or a 'Mercy Camp?'
O Lord, send Thy grace to my help, that I may glorify Thy holy name… O Lord my God, even though I have done nothing good in Thy sight, yet grant me by Thy grace to make a good beginning. O Lord, sprinkle into my heart the dew of Thy grace. O Lord of Heaven and Earth, remember me Thy sinful servant, shameful and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen
St. John Chrysostom, from evening prayers
Both quotes are from the blog Nothing but Orthodoxy
Lord have Mercy, Brian+
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